Wrap Length - This is the length that CP will use to force a hard <CR> into an outbound messages. UUCP/Wrap option has to been checked under the each area for this to become operational. This is mainly used to provide complience for Internet outbound messages.
UUCP Gate: This is the address of the fidonet gateway, that you will passing your internet messages through. Example: 226/20
Freq Cmd: This is the default FREQ command used with file requesting via the internet. Default: $MACARCH GET
'To' Default - This is the default UUCP address for the site where request are directed to. Default: To: LISTSERV@ricevm1.rice.edu
Save Button - Will save the information is the current dialog box as new default information.
Cancel Button - will revert to the old setting, as they were prior to enter this dialog box.